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30 Deacons Ln
Wilton, CT, 06897
United States

The Lt. John G. Corr Memorial Award is presented each year, along with a framed certificate and medallion, to the graduating senior of Wilton High School who, in the opinion of the Directors, best personifies the devotion to his studies, the participation in sports, the qualities of true leadership and the exemplary personal character and patriotism of the man whose name it bears.


To support the Lt. John G. Corr Fund via a one-time or recurring monthly donation, please click the link below.  100% of your donation will be used to support activities associated with the John Corr Memorial Award.  This includes a $10,000 award each year to the top male student athlete as well as eligibility for a $20,000 scholarship for post graduate studies at Cambridge, Oxford or Edinburgh University.